A5 A5 C5 E5 E5 xx D5 D5 D5 D5 A5 A5 xx A5 A5 A5
New blood joins this Earth, and quick-ly he's sub-dued. Through con-stant
C5 E5 E5 xx D5 D5 D5 D5 A5 A5 xx A5 A5 A5 C5 E5
pain dis-grace, the young boy learns thier rules. With time,the child draws
E5 xx D5 D5 D5 D5 A5 A5 xx A5 A5 A5 C5 E5 E5 XX D5 D5
in. This whip-ping boy done wrong. De-prived of all his thoughts, the
man strug-gles on and on..........
C5 G5 (FILL 1)
...Ooh, a vow unto his own. That Never from this day.
C5 G5 E5
His will they'll take away.......
(play the chords and fills exactly like the first verse)
They dedicate their lives to running all of his. He tries to please them all,
this bitter man he is. Throughout his life the same, he's battled constantly.
This fight he cannot win. A tired man they see no longer cares, The old man
then prepares to die regretfully. That old man here is me.
Metallica - The Unforgiven
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