Guitar Chord: Aozora no Namida - Hitomi Takahashi

intro  C#

verse  G# C# A# D#
       G# C# D# F#

chorus B C# A# D#
       G# A# B C#

reff   D E C# F# (4x)
       B C# F#
       B C# D

solo   D E C# F#
       B C# D
Title: Aozora no Namida
Artist: Hitomi Takahashi
Anime: Blood
Comment: Simple enough. Just hear the song and repeat some part correspondingly. Moreover, many people have already post the chord of this song. I found them in Google; the top 3 of them use G# for intro. I didn't ask them why; I use C# since I just followed my ear. So now, it's up to you, which one you like.

And, since it is possible for me to make mistakes, please be kind to tell me if I was wrong! :)

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